Thursday, November 29, 2007

Pretending to be shy

Crucifix Nurse

The irony cracked me up.

I imagined that all these people (yes, "all" 14) came home from Church all fired up from the sermon filled with the power of their own personal saviour, Jesus Christ.

Then I imagined that they wanted to order a crucifix on-line & somehow ended up here after Googling "crucifix."

Then I imagined that 10 of the 14 had to go right back to confession, filled with impure thoughts.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Drool causing cleavage crucifix

This one reminds me of a girl I met in graduate school. My four guy roommates and I were the long haired crazy heavy metal guys upstairs & she & her roommates were the most girly girl people downstairs. She needed help one day with her car and we hit it off. I ended up agreeing to go to church with her on Sunday morning in the midst of trying to get her pants off on Saturday night. I was a good sport and went, once. A deal is a deal. After that, she only asked that I shaved since she had sensitive thighs.

* She was a B cup so there!

Blood filled eyes crucifix

Crucifixion with lesbians making out

Crazy Vampire Crucifix

Saturday, November 17, 2007